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Commercial Real Estate Recovery Stronger Than Many Realize

The recovery is stronger than many realize, says Chaim Katzman, chairman of Gazit-Globe and Equity One. His reasoning? Good deals still are very scarce. Katzman has been raising capital and recycling funds through new partnerships in anticipation of more investment opportunities coming to market, he says. "The bid-ask spread is narrowing as more people realize that things aren't as bad as they first thought," he says.
Video Link: http://bit.ly/aYNuao

Source: reit.com

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Commercial Real Estate Bottoming

In reference to the ever popular claim, "Commercial real estate is the next shoe to drop" - which, in my opinion, is the most over-hyped and over-used sensationalist claim in modern business reporting history - Walt Rakowich, CEO of Prologis says:

"...the shoe has dropped....that's old news..." - emphasis added
Time to start looking at the next part of the cycle folks.

via Deal Junkie

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